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Sell Your Vehicle

We Would Like to Buy Your Vehicle

Constantly on the lookout for new products to offer to our customers, our team of buyers keeps their eyes open for a vehicle like yours and offers you an easy and quick solution to purchase it, whether you are interested in a unit from our inventory or not. After more than 60 years, our team of appraisers is always looking for the latest trends in the local market and will provide you with a fair price for your vehicle.

“Fair Price
“Fair Price" Policy

The purchase price takes into account the market value of the same vehicle, its mileage, and its condition. In addition to the sale price, you will also receive the value of applicable provincial and federal taxes.

Quick and Easy Sale
Quick and Easy Sale

No need to create an online ad, manage responses, meet with customers, and go through the SAAQ offices - everything happens in a single transaction at one of our dealerships.

No Obligation to Purchase
No Obligation to Purchase

When you sell a vehicle to us, you are under no obligation to make a new transaction. You are free to buy your next vehicle from another dealership.

All Brands Accepted
All Brands Accepted

We buy vehicles of all makes, models, and years. We guarantee that you will get the best value for your vehicle, dependent on its condition and mileage.

A Trade-In for Your Next Vehicle
A Trade-In for Your Next Vehicle

The vehicle can be used as a trade-in on the purchase of a new vehicle, thereby reducing your total monthly payments.

Estimate the Value of Your Vehicle

Would you just like to have an estimate of the value of your vehicle? Complete the form below. It's simple, easy, free and requires no commitment on your part*.

Black Book

Get Your Instant Estimated Trade-In Value

Type Your Year, Make, Model, VIN ...

*Important: The estimate provided by the tool does not guarantee the value you will get for your vehicle. This takes into account its value on the market but does not take into account its particularities (apparent damage(s), accident(s), warranty balance, etc.) Contact our team of evaluators to get a price.